C++ and STL

Part of 'Data Structures and algorithms'

Array opeartions

copy(arr_begin, arr_end, result_arr_begin);
//partial sorting: arr_begin to arr_middle will be sorted and contain smallest elements of array
partial_sort(arr_begin, arr_middle, arr_end);
 * lower_bound: resultIterator will point to first element >= target
 * upper_bound: resultIterator will point to first element > target
lower_bound(arr_begin, arr_end, value);	
 * Finding unique elements
 * - first sort the array
 * - unique makes the sorted array {1,1,2,2,3} => { 1,2,35,*,* } and
 *   returns iterator to first duplicate(marked by *)
vector<int> v{1,2,3,1,2,5};

fill_n(arr_begin, arr_size, value_to_fill);
reverse(arr_begin, arr_end);
sort(arr_begin, arr_end);
//descending sort
sort(arr_begin, arr_end, [](int a, int b){return a>b;})	
next_permutation(arr_begin, arr_end)

transform(input_begin, input_end,output_begin,operation_function);
swap(arr_begin, arr_end, result_arr_begin);
random_suffle(arr_begin, arr_end);

Other Data structures’ operations

  • Stack: push, pop, top, empty
  • Queue: push, pop, front, back, empty
  • Dequeue: push_back, push_front, pop_back, pop_front, front, back, empty
  • Map, Set and their multi and unordered variants: insert, find, erase, lower_bound(for ordered ones), [] operator


  • syntax: [scope](params){ body }
  • scope is either empty, by reference(with &) or by value(with =)
  • examples
vector<int> map_arr(vector<int> arr, function<int(int)> f){
    vector<int> ret;
    for(auto &x: arr)
    return ret;

vector<int> arr{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
auto square_arr = map_arr(arr, [](int i) -> int { return i*i; });

//by reference scope example
int a = 10;
auto doubleValueOfA = [&](){
	 a = a * 2;
//by value scope example
auto readOnlyLambda = [=](){
	 cout<<a<<' ';

Structured bindings

auto [var1, var2] = make_tuple(1,2);
map<int,int> mp{ {0,100}, {1, 99} };
for(auto[key,value]: mp){


  • for computing values at compile time
constexpr int cube (int a){return a * a * a;}
float gk[cube(3)]; // Valid in global scope since C++11: variable 'gk' has 27 elements


auto raw_string = R"(Raw String)"
auto binary_num = 0b11
auto hex_num = 0x11
  • user defined literal
long double operator"" _kg( long double x ){
	return x*1000;
long double operator"" _g( long double x ){
	return x;
long double operator"" _mg( long double x ){
	return x / 1000;
auto amnt = 10_kg + 5_mg
//works only on these(doesn't work on signed types):
char const*
unsigned long long
long double
char const*, std::size_t
wchar_t const*, std::size_t
char16_t const*, std::size_t
char32_t const*, std::size_t

Part of 'Data Structures and algorithms'