Custom music player layout in Jetpack compose

Custom layout using Jetpack compose layout and anchor draggable APIs

In this article, I’ll explain how to make custom layouts using Jetpack compose layout and anchor draggable apis.

With anchor draggable apis, we can implement drag gesture with anchors, i.e. the content won’t drag like scroll but will snap to appropriate anchor position on drag. Bottom sheets are implemented using this apis. We’ll use this api to implement switching between mini player and full player using drag gesture.
The layout apis of compose allow us to make custom layouts. We’ll use the layout apis to place navigation bar, mini player, full player and screen content in appropriate positions.
We’ll also use the material-adaptive library to make the layout handle different screen sizes, so make sure to add it as a dependency.

First of all, we’ll create a wrapper around AnchoredDraggableState. This class contains necessary information about any ongoing drag or animation and provides methods to change the state either immediately or by starting an animation. The PlayerSheetStateType enum will represent the anchors, the layout will snap to after a drag gesture.

enum class PlayerSheetStateType {

The main operations we’ll be doing over AnchoredDraggableState are

  1. Specifying the positions of anchors in layout.
  2. Getting the current expansion ratio of expansion of full player. If, currently full player is showing, then it’s value will be 1f. If, currently mini player is showing, it’s value will be 0f.
  3. Animating transition to one anchor from other(mini player to full player or vice versa).

Below code is mostly copy-paste from BottomSheetState adjusted to our needs.
You can read the documentation to know what properties and constructor arguments of AnchoredDraggableState mean.

class PlayerSheetState(
  initialValue: PlayerSheetStateType = PlayerSheetStateType.MiniPlayer,
  density: Density,
  animationDurationMillis: Int = 300
) {
  val draggableState = AnchoredDraggableState(
    initialValue = initialValue,
    animationSpec = 
      tween(easing = EaseOutExpo, durationMillis = animationDurationMillis),
    positionalThreshold = { distance: Float -> distance * 0.5f },
    velocityThreshold = { with(density) { 125.dp.toPx() } },
    confirmValueChange = { true }

  val currentValue: PlayerSheetStateType
    get() = draggableState.currentValue
  val targetValue: PlayerSheetStateType
    get() = draggableState.targetValue
  val currentOffset
    get() = if (draggableState.offset.isNaN()) 0f else draggableState.offset

  suspend fun expandToFullPlayer() {

  suspend fun shrinkToMiniPlayer() {

Here’s the implementation for sheetExpansionRatio. We do have to handle NaN cases.

class PlayerSheetState(...){
  val sheetExpansionRatio: Float
    get() {
      val miniPlayerPos =
        draggableState.anchors.positionOf(PlayerSheetStateType.MiniPlayer).run {
          if (isNaN()) 0f else this
      val fullPlayerPos =
        draggableState.anchors.positionOf(PlayerSheetStateType.FullPlayer).run {
          if (isNaN()) 0f else this

      return if (fullPlayerPos - miniPlayerPos == 0f) 0f
      else (currentOffset - miniPlayerPos) / (fullPlayerPos - miniPlayerPos)

Here’s the implementation for updateAnchors. We provide the total layout height and sum of heights that navigation bar and mini player are taking as arguments. You can think of the anchor value as offset from top of screen. Full player will be at 0 offset and mini player at difference of layout height and sum of heights of navigation bar and mini player. According to documentation, since the anchors depend on the size of the layout, We’ll call updateAnchors in the layout (placement) phase.

fun updateAnchors(layoutHeight: Int, bottomContentHeight: Int) {
  val newAnchors = DraggableAnchors {
    PlayerSheetStateType.MiniPlayer at layoutHeight - bottomContentHeight.toFloat()
    PlayerSheetStateType.FullPlayer at 0f

We’ll write a convenient method to build this state object

fun rememberPlayerSheetState(): PlayerSheetState {
  val density = LocalDensity.current
  val animTimeMillis = integerResource(id = android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime)
  return rememberSaveable(
    saver = PlayerSheetState.Saver(
      density = density
    init = {

Now we’ll build the layout. For this we’ll refer the implementation of NavigationSuiteScaffold. I Copied most of NavigationSuiteScaffold composable and made a custom version NavigationSuiteScaffoldLayout as PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout. The Layout composable allows you to measure and lay out children manually. The signature of PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout is

fun PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout(
    sheetState: PlayerSheetState,
    fullPlayerContent: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,
    miniPlayerContent: @Composable (shouldApplyNavPadding: Boolean) -> Unit,
    navigationSuite: @Composable () -> Unit,
    isLayoutNavBar: Boolean,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit = {}

miniPlayerContent composable has shouldApplyNavPadding argument because we’ll apply navigation bar padding to mini player in landscape layout. Laying out each node in the UI tree is a three step process. Each node must:

  1. Measure any children
  2. Decide its own size
  3. Place its children

The whole layout will fill the whole screen, so we have to do just the two steps, measuring and placing. This is the signature of Layout composable

inline fun Layout(
    content: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy
fun interface MeasurePolicy {
  fun MeasureScope.measure(
    measurables: List<Measurable>,
    constraints: Constraints
  ): MeasureResult

In content, we call the child composables and measurePolicy allows us to measure and place children. In PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout, we define some values first

fun PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout(...){
  //we'll only show mini player if sheet is less than half expanded
  val shouldShowMiniPlayer = remember(sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio) {
    derivedStateOf { sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio < 0.5f }
  //If sheet is more than half expanded, 
  //Pressing back event will consumed by sheet and sheet will shrink to mini player
  val shouldApplyBackHandler = remember(sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio) {
    derivedStateOf { sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio > 0.5f }
  //alpha of mini player, from expansion ratio 0 to 0.5, alpha will vary from 1 to 0
  val alpha = remember(sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio) {
    derivedStateOf {
      if (sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio >= 0.5f) {
      } else {
          1 - sheetState.sheetExpansionRatio * 2f

Now we’ll write the content of Layout composable. Couple of points here:

  1. We use the layoutId modifier on each composable invoked in content, to later identify their measurables.
  2. We apply the anchoredDraggable modifier on mini player and full player composable to handle drag gestures.
  3. We’re passing isLayoutNavBar to miniPlayerContent so that it can apply navigation bars padding appropriatly inside.
  4. We also change the opacity of mini player and full player content as sheet expansion ratio changes.
fun PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout(...){
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    content = {
      // Wrap the navigation suite and content composables each in a Box to not propagate the
      // parent's (Surface) min constraints to its children (see b/312664933).
        modifier = Modifier
      ) {
        modifier = Modifier
            state = sheetState.draggableState,
            orientation = Orientation.Vertical
          .graphicsLayer {
            this.alpha = alpha.value
      ) {
          if (shouldShowMiniPlayer.value)
            state = sheetState.draggableState,
            orientation = Orientation.Vertical
          .graphicsLayer {
            this.alpha =
              if (sheetState.targetValue == PlayerSheetStateType.FullPlayer) 1f
              else (0.5f - alpha.value) * 2
      ) {
          val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
          BackHandler(enabled = shouldApplyBackHandler.value) {
            scope.launch {
        modifier = Modifier
      ) {
    measurePolicy = ...

Now we’ll discuss the the measure policy implementation. First we’ll look at the measuring of child composables.

fun PlayerSheetScaffoldLayout(...){
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    content = ...,
    measurePolicy = { measurables, constraints ->
      val layoutHeight = constraints.maxHeight
      val layoutWidth = constraints.maxWidth
      val looseConstraints = constraints.copy(minWidth = 0, minHeight = 0)
      val miniPlayerPlaceable =
          .fastFirst { it.layoutId == MiniPlayerContentLayoutTag }

      val navigationPlaceable =
          .fastFirst { it.layoutId == NavigationSuiteLayoutIdTag }
          .run {
            if (isLayoutNavBar)
              measure(looseConstraints.copy(maxHeight = layoutHeight - miniPlayerPlaceable.height))

      val fullPlayerPlaceable =
          .fastFirst { it.layoutId == FullPlayerContentLayoutTag }

        if (isLayoutNavBar) miniPlayerPlaceable.height + navigationPlaceable.height
        else miniPlayerPlaceable.height

      val contentPlaceable =
            .fastFirst { it.layoutId == ContentLayoutIdTag }
              if (isLayoutNavBar) {
                  minHeight = layoutHeight - navigationPlaceable.height - miniPlayerPlaceable.height,
                  maxHeight = layoutHeight - navigationPlaceable.height - miniPlayerPlaceable.height
              } else {
                  minWidth = layoutWidth - navigationPlaceable.width,
                  maxWidth = layoutWidth - navigationPlaceable.width,
                  minHeight = layoutHeight - miniPlayerPlaceable.height,
                  maxHeight = layoutHeight - miniPlayerPlaceable.height